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Tips: Create value from your reuse survey

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Both Swedish and Norwegian legislation require that buildings facing demolition or major rebuilding be inventoried. The aim is to identify materials that can be reused. The legislation has been in place since 2021 in Sweden and since 2022 in Norway.

In Sweden, PBL (Swedish National Plan and Building Act) requires that you describe which building materials and how they are to be reused and, if that is not possible, which materials are to be recycled and in what way.

In Norway, it is TEK 17 that sets requirements for mapping during reconstruction and demolition. When rebuilding, you must at least map what you are going to demolish, remove or if you are going to use the material elsewhere. Materials remaining in the same function do not need to be mapped.

Follow-up that mapping is carried out and legislation complied with l is so far low and the risk is high it becomes another shelf warmer. Hence, I want to give you my five best tips on how to proceed to succeed with reuse in your project:

  1. Forward thinking - in order for the project to have the best conditions for maximizing reuse and finding a disposal for materials both internally and externally, it is important to take stock in good time. Feel free to use a systematic approach and take inventory of properties that you know are facing ongoing maintenance. In this way, you reduce the risk of running out of time when the project needs to be completed.

  2. Digitize data collection - to get the most value out of an inventory over time, it is important that the person doing the inventory has access to a digital system. By giving the material a digital identity early on, the basis for procurement of dismantling, repair, reuse in other projects or disposal can be more easily identified. Digitizing from the start also simplifies statistical follow-up and reporting.

  3. Create involvement - ensure that architects, consultants and others are invited to evaluate the inventoried material in order to maximize reuse in the project. Hence, reducing the generation of waste and the impact on the climate. Both architects and consultants need early involvement in order for reuse to be realized.

  4. Selective dismantling instead of demolition - this is an absolute must inorder for reuse to happen in practice. This requires that the company who is to take down and disassemble building parts and materials has the skills required to ensure that the dismantled material retains its value and condition for reuse.

    There are actors offering demounting, logistics as well as storage facilities. By having already digitally assessed which material is to be reused, you can easily create an order document for the contractor who has been given the task of assembling the materials.

  5. Share materials with other property owners - by collaborating with other local property owners in the geographical vicinity, the opportunity is created to meet needs and demand more quickly, as well as the need for transport and thus the climate impact is kept down.

Are you a property owner and have a property portfolio to demolish or rebuild or are you a property developer with upcoming demolitions in your portfolio? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us, we can tell you more about the help Loopfront's digital platform can offer.

Anna Forsberg
+46 730 73 72 24